Discover the PEPR-H2 projects
The Hydrogen PEPR (Program and Priority Research Equipment) website [...]
The Hydrogen PEPR (Program and Priority Research Equipment) website [...]
Marie-Cécile PERA - the director of the FCLAB, Professor [...]
Discover the short course by Dr. Julia Mainka - [...]
Olivier Jouffroy, director of the UFR STGI and Nadia [...]
L'assemblée générale de l'UAR FCLAB s'est déroulée le 3 mars 2022. Co-présentée par Marie-Cécile [...]
The Secretary-General, Deputy Prefect of Belfort visited the premises [...]
Our interns (high school students) share the daily lives [...]
4 tutorial sessions, 3 lab sessions, 2 european projects [...]